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avg scanner seems down after running a while
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Author:  butz [ 09 Aug 2007 15:59 ]
Post subject:  avg scanner seems down after running a while

there is some error from AVG ,

1.Is it because AVG daemon not enough?
2.need to stop avgd then HAVP can bypass failed scanner,does it possible to skip automatically?
(FailSCANNERROR set true already)

havp config:

NumberofDaemon :40

Here is a example :(already set numberofDaemon :40 in avgd config)

AVG: Could not connect to scanner! Scanner down?
09/08/2007 16:31:28 AVG: Could not connect to scanner! Scanner down?
09/08/2007 16:31:33 AVG: Could not connect to scanner! Scanner down?
09/08/2007 16:32:11 AVG: Could not connect to scanner! Scanner down?
09/08/2007 16:32:15 AVG: Could not connect to scanner! Scanner down?
09/08/2007 16:33:48 AVG: Could not read scanner response
09/08/2007 16:34:02 AVG: Could not read scanner response
09/08/2007 16:34:02 AVG: Could not read scanner response
09/08/2007 16:34:10 AVG: Could not read scanner response

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