HTTP Anti-Virus Proxy

Google does it, Why cant I? :)
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Author:  curtis [ 12 Sep 2010 23:36 ]
Post subject:  Google does it, Why cant I? :)

I have a free website that generates a lot of traffic. I use banner ads to help keep it free.

My problem-
I try very hard to keep my site clean and virus/adware free, but sometimes, no matter what I do certain 3rd party advertisers have been known to (every so often) inject rogue ad code into the ads that are served. I have weeded them out and bitched to a point where this almost never happens. This is great except that this hurts my revenue. I could use a bunch of different companies but I don't trust them Problem is that sometimes these "virus writers" get smart and are able to outsmart the ones that I do trust. Just on the news not too long ago a large news company had bad ads injected into their site so I know I am not alone.

What I would like to do-
Is be proactive and setup HAVP to proxy only my ads as they are loaded on a page so I can catch these things before my users are ever effected. I use iframes so I am hoping that I can have the iframes call the adserver through the proxy and scan the adcode before it gets to the user. I'm not sure this will work because the adcode is mostly javascript. Does anyone know if it will or how I could implement such a concoction?

Does anyone have any Ideas on how I could implement something like this and make it work?

Google scans sites on a regular basis and when something big hits my site and I am not aware... Google flags my site as Harmful and doesn't always let me know in a timely manner. So, if these guys can do it.... Couldn't I find something out here that someone may have written to help me?

Any and all help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Author:  karesmakro [ 13 Sep 2010 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google does it, Why cant I? :)

Hi curtis!
Which os and webserver are you using for your site?
Is it possible, that the advertisers do a sql injection, or something like this?
I think, havp is not the right way for protecting your site, expect you have infected files on your server.
Take a look at PHP-IDS or something like mod_security, if you are using apache webserver.
Another thought would be a reverse proxy, to protect your site.


Author:  Alanmoore [ 18 Jan 2011 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Google does it, Why cant I? :)

I suggest you Linux operating system and Weblogic server to guard your site.

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